Cow Palace Creamery

The Scoop:
Business Name: Cow Palace Creamery
Business Address: 417 N River Rd, Epping, NH
click here
Ice Cream: Richardsons
Portion Size: Modest
Cones: Joy
Flavor Selection: Good, but growing
Dairy Free: Sorbet
Location: BALLER
Friendliness & Cleanliness: A+
Scream Squad: Mum, B and KK
Bonus Points: +25 for farmyard friends
Is it worth the scoop? Yes!
Cow Palace Creamery is located in Epping, NH down the road from Coppal House Farm and adjacent to Flag Hill Winery. Talk about a primo location! Wide green fields, local farm, and fabulous booze right next door. The views and locale make this a great Sunday motorcycle ride.
Owner Amy and her husband are in their second season dishing out Richardson’s ice cream with a limited number of flavors. Richardson’s is one of my favorite locally made brands of ice cream. It is sold at many local scoop shops and if they’re not scooping homemade, Richardson’s is a more than acceptable option. but they enjoy offering 1-2 “Extra” flavors on a weekly rotation. When I asked her “why ice cream?” She replied: “I love ice cream because it has always been one of those special treats that makes a great day even better and even helps to make a bad day not quite as bad. It’s also the absolute perfect treat on a hot summer evening”. Amy’s favorite flavor is the Almond Joy, which was the featured flavor when we visited. It’s a coconut based ice cream with whole almonds and chocolate chunks. Raspberry sorbet is also a favorite. It’s chock full of real raspberries and dairy free to boot.
The scoop sizes available are kiddie, small, medium and large and they are modest; a kiddie is truly a kiddie size- 2 small scoops. I’d go for a small or medium if your ice cream needs are greater. They serve Joy sugar cones, plain cones, and waffle cones. I got a kiddie Coffee Oreo in a sugar cone for old times sake. My scream squad ordered: a root beer float served classic style with vanilla ice cream; birthday cake size small in a waffle cone, which was delightfully sweet and flavorful. Coffee Oreo is my go-to flavor especially with this brand, but Mocha Chip is my second favorite. Richardson’s formulation. Mocha Chip is a rich hard scoop ice cream that is more chocolatey than mocha-y and contains giant chunks of dark chocolate chips. I’d classify it as more of a milk chocolate base, but it’s the dark chocolate chip chunks that really do it for me.
We got a chance to walk around the nearby farm to see the chickens and pigs while enjoying our treat on a picture perfect day (right before the clouds rolled in)!